design: Paola Lenti
Perigal | Linden Cenere
The philosophy is written within this great book, which remains constantly open before our eyes (I say the universe), but it cannot be understood if one does not first learn to understand the language, and get to know the characters in which it is written.
Galileo Galilei, Il Saggiatore, 1624
The Project
The project, which is inspired by the geometric representation of the Pythagorean theorem, is the result of an intense partnership between Listone Giordano and Paola Lenti.
The geometrical modules may even be installed on the wall to turn into unusual wainscoting and dyed in surprisingly bright colours – Acqua, Olio, Ottano and Grafite – that leave the natural veining of the material visible.
pattern 01
Perigal | Linden Cenere
Acqua – Pattern 1
Linden Cenere
Linden Ottanio
Linden Acqua
Linden Olio
Linden Cenere
Choosing wood flooring is an important step in the process of decorating your home.
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